For all man are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall -1Peter 1:24

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dec2008 Year End Debrief - Of course justice exists¸ to those who can afford it.

Missing inner Heat, life gets colder

If this was already the year end, I'd like to close it as the Year of Infidelity Awareness. Its really all around me, except I didn't noticed, until now. Its hard not have one's perspective shaken, after seeing so many families breaking up for the better, and those that (stupidly) decided not to.

There's simply no excuse for selfish philandering spouses, dominating abusive partners, emotional blackmail, exercising bondage through financial dependency. Just because everyone else accepts it, doesn't mean I have to.

*** DELETE ***

On the flip-side, it makes me wonder, if I'll too become the man I hate.
After I reach and exceed that level.

its easy to tell right from wrong when we're younger,
as we grow older its difficult.
The villains and heros get all mixed up.
- Extract from 'Quantum Of Solace'

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Merry merry christmas,
lonely lonely christmas...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Of Monkeys and Bananas

A visitor saw the circus master using a dice to decide which monkey will get more bananas. The visitor was shocked and said "you can't decide this way, its not fair!"
To which the circus master replied "No Sir, I'm not trying to decide, I've already decided."
"Then what are you doing?"
"I'm just double checking if my decisions are correct"

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Tao of Jeet June Do - Conditioning

Extracted from The Tao of Jeet June Do

= Conditioning =

Conditioning is a process whereby a specific stimulus will cause a specific reaction. A repeated stimulus eventually creates an action pattern in the nervous system. Once this pattern is established, the mere presence of the stimulus will cause the specific action. Such action is instantaneous and almost unconscious, which is necessary for effective countering. Conditioned action should be the result of intense and concentrated practise of planned action pattern in response to every lead.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Zombie Survival Guide

In the event of an outbreak, it would be wise to familiarize yourself on the differences between "insanity" and "emo" behavior.

It could save your life

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest

"And achieve what?!"
- Retortical question of the month

I needed a break very badly...
Went on a weekend retreat to Pulau Bintang with my Army pals. Amidst the endless mutual bullshit and fun under the sun, was a merciful respite from the hectic pace of life and a chance for undisturbed reflection (even while getting tossed around by 6ft tall waves)

Still had not been able to pick myself up, and was feeling really lousy lately.

Using an old analytical technique, I took a step back and observed from a 3rd person perspective.

It wasn't a pretty sight.
To put it bluntly, I had absolutely no idea wtf I was trying to do during the past few months. what a mess.
Was running my life with as much directions as a beheaded chicken. Sure, I tried hard in everything I did, but to achieve what? I could not answer.

Work was a hell of a rat race.
Stepping up on training somehow only resulted in piling up injuries.
Drinking created unnecessary health concerns.
Ever increasing relapse of the chronic Introvert nature affecting my social life
Family fallout.
And I won't even touch on the emo shit

I screwed up.
At this rate, I was fast becoming a close resemblance to a punching bag.

Although I didn't find any answers by the end of the trip, I did at least got a little closer. And begun coming to terms with reality. Things are becoming clearer and less surreal now.

"Emotion clouds observation"

Monday, December 1, 2008


Oh yes I have to find my path,
no less walk on earth, water and fire

Only two drugs work for me now. 1. Alcohol and 2. Extreme Workouts.
Since I promised my doctor that I'll quit drinking* that leaves Extreme workouts.

I intend to make my negative energy work for me by re-directing them into physical training. Safely and constructively this time**
Will conduct a renewed exercise of self-discipline, with the goal of regaining my weaken fitness and to bring myself to new limits.

This is my show of defiance against the recent series of mis-events thrown at me.

*That is a story for another time
**Not like back then when I nearly killed myself... which is also a story for another time

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I no longer know myself

I feel empty once again. devoid of emotions. With the exception of one regrettable emotional hiccup, I'm now feeling empty all over again. There is neither peace nor panic, only something mechanical. Life just goes on day by day, reacting automatically to situations thrown at me. Much has occurred recently, and they might have some correlation.

The proverbial empty cup
Unlike last year, this emptiness seemed to be part of something bigger. Along with House Keeping Campaign 2008, the events seemed to be readying me for something. Even tho I have no idea, I somehow sense great changes round the corner. A new chapter is about to begin.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Massive House Keeping Campaign 2008

Recently conducted a massive house keeping campaign. Spurred by the Systems Migration Plan, I was caught with an urge to free up physical space. The last 6 weeks saw the elimination of 90% of my personal physical articles. The rule was simple, anything not in use for over a year, or unlikely to remain in use, will be removed.

I realized that I tend to be reluctant to let go, even if the items no longer held any meaning. After overcoming redundant sentimental values, most items were simply white elephants. Sometimes its better to just move on.

The entire collection of painstakingly painted models and kits were given away to my childhood buddy. We started the hobby together and it was fun, but they no longer serve any practical use.
Mountains of study notes were thrown away. The information within were either obsolete or could be easily found online or in the libraries should I need them.

The sight of my now empty shelves left a clean feeling. On top of reducing future house keeping efforts, It was like a symbolic departure from the past. Keeping only the essential lessons, without the unnecessary baggage, and plenty of room to receive the future.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Vertical Farms

Zero Energy Buildings

Floating dormitories

Singapore News // Monday, October 20, 2008
Floating dormitories
Offshore housing for foreign workers is one alternative:

WITH rising construction costs and a space crunch in Singapore, local researchers are exploring cheaper alternatives to land reclamation. One option is to have very large floating structures that can literally support cities on water. One company is even exploring the idea of floating dormitories for foreign workers.
Professor Wang Chien Ming, director of the engineering science programme at the National University of Singapore, said: “People have been talking about ultra-large floating platforms being situated near the equatorial belt where there are no typhoons and no hurricanes. The floating structures could be placed in a very calm sea environment and then you can tap on the energy from the sun ... It can be self-contained.”
Such structures would come with a mooring system, a breakwater and an access bridge or a berth. And although the structures could be made of steel and concrete, they can still float.
The advantages of using floating structures include a relatively short construction period of four to five months. Such expandable structures are immune to the effects of rising sea levels and, compared to land reclamation, mega floating structures could cost about a third less.
The concept of using floating structures is not new. In Singapore, there is already the Marina Bay Floating Platform. And one company that develops and manages foreign worker accommodation is thinking of floating dormitories for, say, 4,000 to 5,000 people.
Mr A Mohamed Ali, director of business development at Mini Environment Service, said: “Theoretically speaking, there’s no limit to how many people you can hold. You can have a country built on a sea.
“And because it’s modular, you can literally add on (facilities) ... We’re looking at facilities such as malls, post offices, remittance centres, anything that’ll serve the foreign-worker community.”
He does not see offshore housing as segregation between foreign workers and Singaporeans. “If the design and the facilities are good, it won’t be stigmatised that way, and the motivation is not really to ship anyone out; it’s to find an alternative.”
If the idea takes off, the dormitory would be the first of its kind in the world to house such a huge community on water.
Another company that is exploring the use of mega floating structures is JTC Corporation. It is thinking of using such structures to store petrochemical and oil products. Prof Wang said the cost of building such a structure could be about$200 million. CHANNEL NEWSASIA

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

severe hangovers have a way of putting things into perspective

now that you've been broken down,
got your head out of the clouds,
back down on the ground.
you don't talk so loud, you don't walk so proud,
maybe next time,
we'll get it right...

Not an alcoholic hangover but one from a sweet dream that's almost painful to wake up from.
That's what you get from entertaining wistful thoughts. Should have listened to the logical side, how many times do I have to learn? Seen it coming long ago, so many obvious signs, yet the subconscious psyche is simply addicted to the endless cycle of impossible goals, self denial and eventual awakenings.

*** DELETED ***

To cut short the useless self sympathies, its back to that old room, wait for the dust to settle down, pick myself up and move on. The fuzzy hangover will linger, but it'll clear. Time will fade the memories, it always does.

So easy to blame life for being unfair, when it's not going in your favor, but more often than not, we're guilty of exploiting this unfairness to our advantage. And not to forget, for every unfortunate situation, countless others have it much worst.

This chapter ends*.

Time to start afresh, create new dreams and perhaps walk into the next delusion.

*Any further interventions will take the situation out of proportion. The decision was made, the scene will play out and we'll just have to accept the outcome.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The watermelon seller

There was a watermelon seller. The nobles loved her because she sold the sweetest watermelons. She could always produce the best watermelons any time of the year, even when no one else has has any stock.
She could always produce the watermelons even on short notice, it was as if she made them appear magically.
And she would only sell her sweet watermelons to the nobles.

The peasants on the other hand hates her for forcing them to eat the rotten watermelons.

And the farmers hates her even more, for stealing their watermelons.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Balance Real Run 2008 - The Actual Event

boldly took up the challenge... and sucked.

We are filled with the power of bananas!
Arriving early with the Ang Mo Kio pickup bus, I sat around and consumed my breakfast of six sorry looking bananas. 'Naturally' I waited until it was really crowded before joining the long queue for the WC. Unable to shed off the curse of having to start every race late, I finished my business and attempted to catch up with 老爷.

The race begun with the Trail. It was a complete disaster. Mistaking one runner after another for 老爷, I wrecklessly bounded left and right like a disoriented kangaroo. The first 20mins or so was an intense challenge for me, in not tripping over the uneven dirt track, while fellow runners try not to trip over me.

The Cheer Leaders
This event is supported by teams of what appears to be boys from secondary school uniform groups. Armed with naive enthusiasm, a bright promising future, and more than enough free Sunday mornings to waste for volunteering in random sports events to earn a few CCA brownie points, these kids filled the unenviable role of standing by the roadside and pretending to be concerned for half dead running strangers.

As if the humbling marathon lesson was not enough, I soon had a dejavour of seeing the same people overtake me repeatedly whenever I slowed down. They came in all demographies: young colleague girls; army boys; ice-cream stall uncles; grunting ang mohs; fire-extinguisher salesmen etc. But one thing was common - They Never Tire!
I refrained from asking if any of them were coincidentally related to the Energizer Bunny and wisely saved what's left of my breath and my dignity for the race.

In an entry level (10km) event, there are usually enough novices and quitters around to fuel me with a false sense of superiority.
But this was an intermediate tier, some treat it as training for heavier events, some take it for the greater challenge.
I am probably that 'greater challenge' - a slow but erratic moving obstacle that refuses to keep to any lane, and despite the best efforts, fail miserably not to be a safety hazard.

The Beach was the segment I was looking forward to! Tormented by the humiliation 2 years ago on the treacherous sands of Sentosa, I screamed for vengeance and charged the sandy slopes with everything I had.

5 mins later, regardless of all the heroism, it became painfully obvious that mimicking a hardworking dung beetle will not get me very far. I switched to the only other strategy I knew...

Along with countless other like minded enterprising 'uncles' we overran the barriers and left the track to take advantage of the firmer terrain beyond the beach boundaries. The outnumbered Marshall's helpless protests soon turn into horrified squeals against the very real possibility of getting stampeded by the numberless mass of slow moving, sweaty, obessed and mindless bodies. (that will teach them to get in my way!)
Who says cheating isn't a strategy.

Thank God this is not a Marathon!
It must have been a hundred degree celsius.
Towards the end, there was a 2km stretch of straight and unshaded (Aviation Park) road. This was truly the killer stretch! the horizon was too far to spot and the surroundings barren and monotonous. One could be forgiven for mistaking as road dividers, those poor students, who were spaced evenly along the road center and then left to bake.

To cope with the heat, everyone slowed to a uniformed pace. Most entered a trance like state. When viewed from the correct perspective, the scene was not unlike that of a giant conveyor belt, carrying dough through an industrial confectionery toaster.

I silently cursed my imaginary friend the Talking Beer Tower for disappearing at the time I needed him most, and continued.

The rest of the way was dotted with misleading sharp turns. Cruelly designed to give false hopes, these turns appear (from a distance) like they lead straight to the end point, only to taper off viciously to yet another U-turn.
Eventually crossed the real finishing line (after checking that it was neither a mirage nor a mass delusion).

=== Results ===
15 KM Trail/Road/Sand

Myself >1:35:28
老爷 >1:35:17
WK >1:16:42
Talking Beer Tower >Disqualified for disappearing

Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Balance Real Run 2008 - The Night Before the Race

The best way to prepare was to eat right, and sleep early.
If only everything worked out as best...

After a less than healthy dinner of beer and pizza, I headed home, hoping to hit the sack early.

And ended up watching "Exorcist - The Beginning" on TV till the wee hours. Not much were going through my head at the time, apart from this weird imagination that the Priest (Stellan Skarsgård) in the story might in fact, be switched with a Hongkee actor, who banishes the demon with his stereotypical Canto-accented English... "The(3) pow(1) were(3) of Cry(1) see(2) com(3)pells(1) youuuu (use pacifist/persuasive tone)"

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Tao of Jeet June Do - Attitude

Some motivational material in anticipation of the New Balance Real Run. This really influences me.

Extracted from The Tao of Jeet June Do

= Attitude =

The state of the athlete's mind as he faces his event determines the degree of excess tension he will carry into the event. The athlete free from excess tension as he awaits his performance is typically self-confident. He has what is commonly known as "a winning attitude." He sees himself as master of the athletic situation confronting him. To many athletes, being champion is a matter of 'psycological necessity'. Fed by previous successes and having completely rationalized previous failure, he feels himself a Triton among minnows."

As an event approaches, the athlete often notices a feeling of weakness in his midsection (butterflies in his stomach), and his heart pounds, he may experience pain in his lower back. The experienced athlete recognizes these sensations not as inner weakness, but as an inner surplus. These signs indicate a preparedness for violent activity. In fact, the athlete who expresses a feeling of euphoria before an event is probably in a poor state of readiness.

If emotional control is not well learned, critical moments in the fight when the emotional tension is highest will result in loss of skill by the fighter. His muscles suddenly must work against his own over-tense antagonistic muscles. He becomes stiff and clumsy in his movements. Expose yourself to various conditions and learn.

Experience shows that an athlete who forces himself to the limit can keep going as long as necessary. This means that ordinary effort will not tap or release the tremendous store of reserve power latent in the human body. Extraordinary effort, highly emotionalized conditions or a true determination to win at all costs will release this extra energy. Therefore, an athlete is actually as tired as he feels, and if he is determined to win, he can keep on almost indefinitely to achieve his objective. The attitude "You can win if you want to badly enough," means that the will to win is constant. No amount of punishment, no amount of effort, no condition is too "tough" to take in order to win. Such attitude can be developed only if winning is closely tied to the practitioner's ideals and dreams.

New Balance Real Run 2008

Signed up for the New Balance Real Run. Collected my race pack today. Will be running the 15Km Men's open category. This is an interesting race because it includes running across sand (beachside), and trail, which possess a different challenge from that of roads and tracks.

In preparation, I did various alternative training in addition to long runs.
Mainly trained in my Army New Balance Shoes which I'll be wearing during the race.

- Running on uneven terrain
- Martial Arts (Muay Thai kicks and kneecaps, shadow boxing, bag work)
- Under the sun long runs

- Medium distance speed runs
- Wind sprints

- Staircase sprints
- Static muscle training (horse stances, heel lifts, squat lifts)
- Chin ups, Weights

Had been rather laid back compared to the last few races. Probably won't be at my physical peak for this race. However, I do feel more confident nowadays, after my full marathon experience.

Human beings rely upon their brethren and are often disappointed by them.

Don't let someone become a priority in your life,
when you are just an option in their life

What would you do when you have friends like this...

- You personally recommend him for a job interview at a buddy's company. He fails to show up and becomes uncontactable while your buddy sits with his superior for a tense, embarrassing hour, before calling off the interview angrily. A week later, your friend informs you that he dropped his mobile phone.... And then you learn that, that was a lie.

- Busy friend wants to meet and catch up.
>>Friend manages to 'fix you a slot' [insert random number between 1-3] weeks ahead. On appointed day, Friend cancels the meet up because...
A. Completely forgets
B. Forgot that he/she needs to attend a preplanned company function/good friend's birthday/long lost relative from overseas/is a bridesmaid~best man for that day's wedding.
C. Needs to spend time with boyfriend/girlfriend/dog/cat/pig/some stranger on the street.
D. It's drizzling.
And then friend offers to reschedule the appointment.
Keep repeating above until one day you get a sms reply "sorry, may I know who's that?"

- Calls you only once a year, on your Birthday to ask if you would like to chip in on an expensive birthday present for someone you are supposed to have met before.

- Made you rush to town for a sudden meet up, within the hour, and then cancels just when you are nearly there, because her next appointment (which was not mentioned before) showed up 20mins early.

- Apologizes that he/she is working slightly late but would soon finish up and be there. You wait at the mall for 3 hours before checking again to learn that he/she is already on the way home. The appointment had been canceled and naturally you didn't need to be informed.

- Finds a convenient excuse when she realizes that you are not planning to treat her to an expensive restaurant of her choice.

Now what would I do?
Well I don't know, since I no longer have friends like that.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Transition Issues Log - 1st stage

A list of system problems that a new Mac convert may face.

- Unnatural Mouse Tracking in OS X
(For many users), moving the mouse feels unnatural because of the way Mac OS X translates mouse motion into pointer movement (the "mouse acceleration curve"). This website describes the problem in detail and reviews and provides links to some recommended fixes.

NOTE: I used "USB Overdrive" with the settings >> Speed=80 dpi (fastest); Acceleration=20%

- Make Airport Express Stream Audio From Any App
By default Apple's Airport Express will only channel audio from itunes.
Rogue Amoeba Software has released Airfoil, which enables users to send audio from any application (instead of just iTunes) directly to an Air Port Express base station.

Live audio streaming has some lag time, causing video and sound to go off-sync.
The VLC player workaround seems to be to check the Advanced box at the bottom of Preferences, and under Audio set a manual “audio deynchronization compensation value.” With a little trial and error, you should get the sound in sync.

Currently no workaround for online videos

- Transferring and synchronizing bookmarks across multiple machines
"Foxmarks" a free Firefox browser plugin which backups and synchronizes bookmarks using an online server.

- Migrating/backing up old emails
Switch to Mozilla's free email client "Thunderbird" which will be able to import all emails from MS outlook and save as a set of local mail files.
Instructions: Copy files/folder and then Paste To
hope79/library/thunderbird/profiles/ID.default/mail/local folders/

Note: This only works for MS Outlook to Thunderbird migration. Still have not found a way to import from OS X mail program.

- Free Antivirus for MAC
Tho it is not necessary since there are no known viruses for MAC.

- Instant chat
The Mac version of MSN is one generation behind, lacking many useful features which windows users are used to. Furthermore, Voice chats, video calls/conferencing will not work.
This website makes a list of five alternative chat MSN applications for Mac OS X that allows customization, and better functionality.

NOTE: I used Adium

Transition Issues Log - Bootcamp

- 'Disk error' during WinXP installation

1. When you first start installing XP, it asks you which partition to install onto. You select "BOOTCAMP" (if you didn't select the right partition, the Windows installer is stupid enough to try to install onto the Mac partition, which hoses the Mac OS).

2. Then, you must tell XP to FORMAT the partition (even though it supposedly already is). Quick format is enough. If I don't do that, I invariably get the "Media error. Press any key" message.

- Installing Drivers for XP
Bootcamp Intallation Guide

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Apple Airport Express

Bought an Air Port Express. My home setup is now wireless.
This is another beautiful mac product. The primary function is a wireless router/base station, we can then plug in an USB printer as a shared network printer. Lastly (what I like most) it has an audio port to wirelessly stream sounds from the MacBook to connected speakers.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Tips - Nice & Simple

SOURCE: Taken from a forwarded email. Looks useful

Take 2 minutes and read through this; you will be amazed at what you can learn!

Bed Sheets
After drying sheets, put both sheets and one pillowcase in the other pillow case. Fold neatly in a square. Next time you change sheets, you just take the one pillow case and all the sheets and pillow case are inside. No need to look for matches.

Reheat Pizza
Heat up leftover pizza in a non-stick skillet on top of the stove, set heat to med-low and heat till warm. This keeps the crust crispy. No soggy micro pizza. I saw this on the cooking channel and it really works.

Reheating refrigerated bread
To warm biscuits, pancakes, or muffins that were refrigerated, place them in a microwave with a cup of water. The increased moisture will keep the food moist and help it reheat faster.

Broken Glass
Use a dry cotton ball to pick up little broken pieces of glass - the fibers catch ones you can't see!

Easier thank you's
When you throw a bridal/baby shower, buy a pack of thank you cards for the guest of honor. During the party, pass out the envelopes and have everyone put their address on one. When the bride/new mother sends the thank you's, they're all addressed!

Name tag

If you purchase a new bike for your child, place their picture inside the handle bar before placing the grips on. If the bike is stolen and later recovered, remove the grip and there is your proof who owns the bike.

Flexible vacuum
To get something out of a heat register or under the fridge add an empty paper towel roll or empty gift wrap roll to your vacuum. It can be bent or flattened to get in narrow openings.

Reducing Static Cling

Pin a small safety pin to the seam of your slip and you will not have a clingy skirt or dress. Same thing works with slacks that cling when wearing panty hose. Place pin in seam of slacks and -- voila -- static is gone.

Measuring Cups
Before you pour sticky substances into a measuring cup, fill it with hot water. Dump out the hot water, but don't dry the cup. Next, add your ingredient, such as peanut butter, and watch how easily it comes right out.

Foggy Windshield?
Hate foggy windshields? Buy a chalkboard eraser and keep it in the glove box of your car. When the windows fog, rub with the eraser!
Works better than a cloth!

Reopening envelope
If you seal an envelope and then realize you forgot to include something inside, just place your sealed envelope in the freezer for an hour or two. Voila! It unseals easily.

Use your hair conditioner to shave your legs. It's a lot cheaper than shaving cream and leaves your legs really smooth. It's also a great way to use up the conditioner you bought but didn't like when you tried it in your hair...

Good-bye Fruit Flies
To get rid of pesky fruit flies, take a small glass fill it 1/2 with Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 drops of dishwashing liquid, mix well. You will find those flies drawn to the cup and gone forever!

Get Rid of Ants
Put small piles of cornmeal where you see ants. They eat it, take it 'home,' & can't digest it so it kills them. It may take a week or so, esp. if it rains, but it works & you don't have the worry about pets or small children being harmed!

Take baby powder to the beach
Keep a small bottle of baby powder in your beach bag. When you're ready to leave the beach sprinkle yourself and kids with the powder and the sand will slide right off your skin.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Before today, the only Apples I had were from the supermarket

visions of blue skies and green grass underfoot

So I bought a Macbook. Yes, an Apple computer. The folks were shocked. No one could believe that the greatest anti-mac critic has joined the Apple camp. I was the traitor, I was what Cain was to Abel...
Do not blame them. For they will not understand. For the 'Truth' is only for the chosen few. Perhaps someday some of them would be selected too, and I'll look forward to welcoming Them. To become one of Us.
The Bundle
Now the elegant simplicity of the Apple family really gets to you, right from the start.
Apple laptops came in 3 categories > MacBook Air, MacBook, and MacBook Pro.
It doesn't take a scientist to figure out from a quick glance at the specs that Air is the light ultra portable series while Pro is the high end performance range.

MacBook is the intermediate and most common option. I got myself one of these with some rather high end specs for the current series.

13-inch: White
2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo.
4 GB memory
160GB hard drive1
Double-layer SuperDrive

Including a free sleeve, the bundled price came up to SGD 2,455 - quite a hefty sum.
=================================================================but its alright because its an Apple.
Hardware Installation
Installation was a breeze, if there was even an installation to speak of. Just like what the sales pitch described, just plug anything in and they will work, automatically. The portable hard disk was detected instantly, and Printer model recognized once connected.
I hooked up the ethernet cable and came online. No setup needed. And then the system offered to update all the drivers and installed software. These were carried out faithfully with no fuss. I didn't even have to reboot once.
Needless to mention, the MacBook was aesthetically pleasing, with all the ports conveniently located on the left hand side. The Mac power plug links to the MacBook magnetically, a creative marvel by itself. (I continued to be surprised at every step.)
The keyboard too, with its large and well spaced keys was a joy to type on. (This blog entry was written on the MacBook, can picture myself doing this in future at Bottles & Bottles, with a glass besides the MacBook)
Overall Perception
All in all, I get the impression that Apple genuinely cares about the customer's experience. Everything was so well taken care of. Compared to OS X, the Windows Platform look hopelessly outclassed.
The only thing left to do now is to fetch some fuel and torch those worthless PC components.

- Fanaticism is a sign of repressed doubt

Friday, September 19, 2008

Resentment, betrayal and heartbreak

Technology should have freed man from the burdens of life.
Instead, it imprisoned him.

Another system failure, another inconvenience. This time is was the Mainboard. The onboard audio to be specific. Two visits to the service center and problem NOT solved. It was really frustrating to learn that the "1st year 1-for-1 replacement" refers to refurbished sets of questionable quality. Imagine a pool of RMA circuit boards: "Here just throw yours back into the pile. We'll (randomly) pick another piece for you. If you're lucky it won't have the same problem. If you ain't satisfied, we can try again."

This is the final straw, have made up my mind to make that costly technology leap. To go ahead with the Migration Plan 2 years sooner than I intended.

The last decade spent with DIY systems has been an interesting ride full of thrills and spills. But that stage is over. 长痛不如短痛 Its time to move on.

- Shopping trip in Sim Lim Center for components
- Watching your new system boot up sucessfully
- Savings from assembling your own desktop
- 'Arms race' with buddies to see who has the most powerful machines
- Overclocking to bring out more 'bang for buck'
- Learning from each mistake
- Troubleshooting and solving the problem

- Accepting for a fact that system may fail anytime.
- Windows blue screen of death that occurs ever so often
- Snifting carefully and praying not to detect the smell of burnt plastic everytime the computer crashes.
- Another tiresome trip to XYZ repair center.
- Machines that never boot properly*
- Forking out money every now and then for replacements.
- Cheap brands that turns out to be incompatible.
- Reliable (more expensive) brands that still fail.
- Troubleshooting and unable to solve the problem.
- Not knowing when any of the above will happen again.

Have done my homework and decided to invest in a Macbook. Reviews (online and personal) were good and consistent. It seems an Apple machine fits well with my criteria**

*I once had a setup that will only boot if I reached into the casing and wiggle the videocard at a certain angle, 2 seconds after I hear the first beep.

**easy servicing, low failure rate, portability, good battery life.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

One King to rule them all

It all begun with a lack of resources to cast “resurrect hero”. The king resorted to necromancy, For a while “raise dead” worked, mighty heroes of old returned, bonded to our King’s will, completely obedient, uncompromising, and emotionless. They were unstoppable, at least for as long as the price was paid.

But the ways of the dark side was above comprehension, above any mortal. Even above a King who believed he could outwit the very forces who has now made him just another pawn.

Seduced by power, our young king finally embraces “dark contract” the most forbidden summoning spell.
Of the eternal damnation of himself and the entire kingdom, the King accepted, reluctantly at first and then welcomed with open arms, as he rapidly approaches the last stages of degeneration.

In the scheme within schemes, the first temptation was always only a beginning. A foothold to a path that may change in a million ways, but the result was always the same. The most noble intentions eventually twisting into complete enslavement to the whims of the dark side.

- The millions who fell didn't make a dfference

Friday, September 5, 2008

Planners Gathering - My Place

Mother is out of town and I had the team over for an ad-hoc party. This was hastily planned and We had simple fare - Chicken wings, Hor Fun and noodles from the nearby food court. The beer dispensor came into play once again, but the main highlight was the 3 bottles of red wine.

Drinking games ensued. The party ended at 11pm drawing a closure to yet another week.

Can see the tell-tale effects of alcohol on the ladie's complexion.

Mother will have the fits if she sees the refrigerator stocked full of beer like that.
Beer was under consumed leaving 2 dozen cans to be (secretly) stashed inside the bar counter storage area.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Let's Not Forget Our Late Bloomers

Taken from the New Paper 21Aug2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

They could have been CAMs too

The beautiful pristine re-engineered surrounding conceals the once battle scarred landscape and the countless deaths that occured here. Even after all these years, it is said that on moonless nights, the spirits of the 'Banished' can still be seen stalking the hallowed grounds, silently bemoaning their horrible fates. On such nights, if one listens carefully to the wind, one may hear the whispering. Dark terrible half-truths which can either inspire a fresh aspiring cadet to great feats or reduce him to hopeless despair.

- A tribute to those who fell from favor.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Doom was inevitable but the battle must be fought, yet the glory can be eternal!

The setting sun cast a crimson glow over the gory remnants of a devastated CAM's fortress. The cold silence only interrupted by haunting winds whistling down the bleak desolated landscape where once stood the proud citidel of the CAMs, left to decay in the passage of time, as the relentless inquisitors mechanically march on to their next victim...

- 2007 3hours after the audit.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Extreme Beer Pong!

There's a new past time. Its called Pong!
(See the other related links too)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Little Miss Loud


Mr Nonchalant had an incredibly boring group outing. He most likely will not again meet those girls in future.
Little Miss Loud on the other hand was excited to have gone out with Mr Nonchalant.
So thrilled was Little Miss Loud that for some unknown and less that rational reason, had to sprout it off to everyone, describing the "date" down to the finest details.

Mr Nonchalant was disgusted with having the whole world subscribed to this distorted truth.

Little Miss Loud who looked forward to having Mr Nonchalant for her upcoming party, would never realize what went wrong. Nor would she get to see Mr Nonchalant again.
Mr Nonchalant didn't show up, he found better things to do.

And they lived happily ever after

******* The End *******

Monday, July 28, 2008

Bittersweet Symphony (acoustic)

Cos' it's a bittersweet symphony this life...
Trying to make ends meet , you're a slave to the money then you die.
I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down...
You know the one that takes you to the places where all the pain lives ,

No change, I can change, I can change, I can change,
but I'm here in my mould , I am here in my mould.
But I'm a million different people from one day to the next...
I can't change my mould , no,no,no,no,no,no,no

Well I never pray,
But tonight I'm on my knees, yeah.
I need to hear some sounds that recognise the pain in me, yeah.
I let the melody shine, let it cleanze my mind , I feel free now.
But the airwaves are clean and there's nobody singing to me now.

No change, I can change, I can change, I can change,
but I'm here in my mould , I am here in my mould.
And I'm a million different people from one day to the next
I can't change my mould, no,no,no,no,no,no,no

(Well have you ever been down?)
(I can change, I can change...)

Cos' it's a bittersweet symphony this life.
Trying to make ends meet, trying to find some money then you die.
You know I can change, I can change, I can change,
but I'm here in my mould, I am here in my mould.
And I'm a million different people from one day to the next.
I can't change my mould, no,no,no,no,no,no,no

(I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down)
(I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down)
(It justs sex and violence melody and silence)
(Been down)
(Ever been down)
(Ever been down)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The feline's choice

A man saw a cat in the pound, it was playful and got along well with the other animals. He liked it and took it home. Took it away from all it's companions.

He knows that everything he does is for it's own good.

He was proud of it and often displayed it to his friends.

It was the 1st year and the man went traveling.
The cat was lonely and made friends with a stray pig.
The man returned and became angry that HIS cat has paid attention to anything other than himself. "Why can't you just sit there and wait for my return, I was only away for 11months"
He killed the stray pig. It was for it's own good.
The cat was deeply hurt but kept quiet because it cared about it's owner's feelings.

It was the 2nd year and the man went traveling.
The cat was lonely and made friends with a stray dog.
The man returned and became angry that HIS cat has paid attention to anything other than himself. "Why can't you just sit there and wait for my return, I was only away for 11months"
He killed the stray dog. It was for it's own good.
The cat was deeply hurt but kept quiet because it cared about it's owner's feelings.

It was the final year and the man went traveling.
The cat was lonely and stared at the door awaiting his return.
The man returned and became angry. He didn't believe it had sat there quietly waiting for him "It must be hiding something! And I was only away for 11months"
He locked the door so that it couldn't run away. It was for it's own good.
The cat was deeply hurt. It cared about it's owner's feelings. But couldn't take it anymore. It finally ran away through the open window.

Moral of story:
The Man didn't chose the cat. It was the cat that allowed itself to be owned, he could never have prevented it from leaving.... if it really wanted to.

And they lived happily ever after

******* The End *******

Friday, June 27, 2008

You too should know the sorrow of losing that you wanted to protect

Man tends to think of the past when they are about to die,
as if searching for proof that they had ever been alive.

We shall take a moment of awkward silence for someone I should have got to know better and could no longer do. Life is fragile.

Staying over with me was a bad idea. It's not like I didn't try to make her leave, but everytime I confronted her, she would avoid me. And then the inevitable happened. A freak accident, one in a million chance and it had to take place. Was at the wrong place at the wrong time, a sudden gust of wind and the door slammed.

No, we don't talk to each other, but afterall she was the only one that lived here with me for the last few weeks. And No, no one deserves such a fate!

Don't know if I should be grateful or sorry that I wasn't around. It would have torn me apart, yet I should have been there by her side during the final moments.

I only saw it this afternoon. Opened the door and noticed something sticking where it shouldn't be. When she didn't respond, I knew it was bad, real bad.

At least it must have been quick. It had to be! There was no sign of a struggle, maybe she didn't even knew what hit her, let us take comfort in that.

Wish I treated her better when I had the chance...

Hide all

Sunday, June 22, 2008

See how we run like pigs from a gun, see how we fly

As all foot soldiers have known for thousands of years,
there's nothing noble about dying.
Only an irritating finality

Written in reversed chronological order through the day:

- Slept well, the sleep of the dead.
- Finally gone to rest at 3am
- Exhausted, but for the first time feels truly alive today.
- Went for a 10km run. Finished in 1hr 2mins. Accelerated metabolism caused effects of alcohol to end much earlier than it normally would.
- Curious to attempt running under the influence of alcohol
- Reached home at 12:40am
- Lots of booze, rather high.
- Potluck at Momo's place (with Tans and Foo family). Received nutrition and mental comfort. Morale somewhat restored.
- After 1hr 40mins trip, arrived at Ghim Moh looking like a zombie.
- Embarked on the long trip to Momo's place. Completely, mentally "zoned-out" from the long day, and the mind-numbing inefficiency of our public transport systems. No longer felt hunger or fatique, just numbed.
- Felt the need to catch up on training, did a rushed 40x6 dips routine before shower.
- No time left for any of the house work I had intended to do.
- Finally reached home at 6.30pm, mind totally numbed.
- Took 1hr+ just to reach home after Raj dropped me from Defu Lane.
- At a coffeeshop with Raj, hungry but only consumed soup because dinner time was near.
- Left office approx. 3.30pm. Been working non-stop for 7hrs. Missed lunch, fatigued, hungry, hands shaking, body trembling, extremely sour mood, less capable of rational thoughts.
- Skipped canteen breakfast to start work early. Expect difficult day since only me and Raj working.
- Revived at 6.30am


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tiger 1.5litres Beer Tower Dispenser

Got my very own tower dispenser. Came free with 4 x Tiger 6packs.
Perfect to go along with my new Double walled glasses.

Short review
A slight letdown compared to the promotion adverb. Looks and feels like a cheap scaled down mimic of the typical towers found in pubs.

- Smaller capacity easier to fulfill for home parties
- May double as a drinking water dispenser.
- Includes central cooling tube that may be filled with water and freezed to help maintain beverage temperature.

- Tap is too low, requiring drinkers to use short glasses, or to tilt their beer glass while refilling.
- A hassle to clean.

Friday, June 13, 2008

we must dispense with our preconceptions of family

Momo, 老爷,夫人, and Elaine threw me a birthday dinner. At Parkway Bottles & bottles. Really enjoyed myself. Thank You Guys for making this year so memorable!

They even bought me a pair of the double walled glasses which I always wanted.

PAVANI 15OZ Double Walled Glass

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Adversity may make us stronger, but it does not make us happier.

Since mother is visiting Father, I'd have to handle my own household chores.
Since mother is extending her trip, I'd have to do more chores for longer.
Since mother left the refrigerator stocked with so much food, I'd have to take time to cook before they spoil.
Its taking all my time. N'uff said, back to work.

For the first time ever, made my own lunch and brought to work.
Fried rice with Shitake Mushroom. Seriously, it was good.

After the Bake rice research is successful, will post about it too.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Discworld - Ankh-Morpork

...One legend has it that if danger ever threatens the city, the eight stone hippopotami guarding the Brass Bridge will come to life and run away.

...Another legend claims that many centuries ago, the Disc flooded. An ark was constructed, containing two of every animal. When the accumulated dung of forty days and nights was dropped over the side, they called it Ankh-Morpork.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Adidas Sundown Marathon - Part 6 Epilogue

A deserving painful ending to a balantly arrogant endeavor. Completion is not necessary a victory, particularly so when my timing was so bad. Awkwardly (for lack of a better term) this had not made me any humbler. It has only served to emphasize that is is a world without limitations. There are more different challenges than a man can overcome in one lifetime, but we do grow stronger with each one.

At this point, I've decided not to do marathons on a regular basis, as the wear and tear on the body isn't quite worthwhile. But I might still participate once in a while. Had been a very long time since I was last driven to such extreme limits and that was refreshing. Now its time to move on to other trainings.

Post Marathon Diary
Day 0
Short nap and celebration chill out with the Tan Families* at Novena.
Consumed my first 500ml of beer. Hallucinations begun to dispel.
Limped like a zombie, and they mocked me by firing imaginary projectiles at me each time I shuffled to and fro the toilet.

Day 1
Took MC to rest. Was lucky I did, or I would end up like one of them.
Doctor childed me for doing a marathon so unprepared.
Mostly sleep. Regeneration.

Day 2
Back to work.
Honked by car for crossing road too slowly.
Heart warming to have the concern of so many colleague-friends.
Stayed late to work on my research project. An extremely frustratingly long 2hrs trip home (owning to @ucked-up off peak bus schedule, inefficient routing, x4 bus connections, and ridiculously long wait times between each ride.) Further morale drain having to do own household chores**

Still limping. Now that most of the dominate muscle/joint aches has eased, a very bad right ankle sprain becomes obvious. This would take more time to heal. Wondered how I kept going with such a bad injury. Probably didn't feel it at the time because of the fatigue and the adrenalin.

*老爷,夫人,Heng, Momo
**Mother has gone to visit Father for a week

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Adidas Sundown Marathon - Part 5 Completed

My first marathon is completed. Am alive but definitely not kicking. Can hardly move.

Unlike some lighter races, a marathon conducted at midnight attracts no casual novice. Its full of serious runners, and I fall under the newbie category clocking in a below average timing.

Preliminary Results :

On the whole, timing was much worse than my training records, but still glad to be able to finish without scumbering to injuries.

The route was divided into 4 segments (titled in red). Below is a log of the experience.

"String of lights"

Nicoll Drive (SAF Ferry Terminal, ALPS)
Starting Line - where's the darn toilet?
Arrived late and there were much confusion, eventually located 夫人who have finished the 10km event. Was still doing my warm up stretch 10mins after flag off

1st 5km - the start of it all
老爷 has already ran off, Wei Khyuan has decided to join after competing his 10km in an impressive 50mins. Meanwhile Kelvin has gone off separately to join his friends. Kicked off with the 8/1 min - run/walk exactly the way I trained. Believe I can pull this off. Adidas support staffs positioned at intervals to cheer runners on.

Changi Coast Road (Changi Airport)
Changi Coast Walk (Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal)
8 km - The stars kiss the sky
Crowds tapered off to a smooth pace, beautiful cloudless skies, pleasant weather. Ridiculous unfounded sense of pride when passing by Expeditors office. Felt a rush as planes took off while we ran along the airport runway. Continued to search in vain for Eric and WK

10km - Where the hell am I?
Never been to Changi coast walk before. Completely unfamiliar with this stretch.

East Coast Park Service Road (Safra Resort)
12 km - Reinforcements have arrived
Manged to establish communications and rendezvous. Had unknowingly overtook them and is about 2km ahead.

East Coast Lagoon (East Coast Park, Bedok Jetty, Big Splash)
21km - Midpoint milestone
Beginning to feel the first hint of emerging joint aches and muscle cramps, but still managing a fair pace. Clearing the halfway point was lifting, not to mention have already exceeded my furthest record. We are now in new territory.

"Heartland Twist"
Siglap Park Connetor (Victorial JC, Eunos, Kembangan MRT)
27km - No surrender!
Tired, but we bravely pushed on. Gradually increased the walk breaks.

"Waterfront Trail"
Bedok Reservoir (老爷's place)
29km - Pit stop.
夫人was there with food and cold drinks. Much needed break. WK needed a pillow and I wanted a beer.

Tampines Ave 9 (Tampines Fire Station)
30km Approx. 4am - Endless waltz
This was the most boring stretch. Undeniable, oppressive fatigue sets in. Feeling not unlike a vehicle whose engine is serviceable but components demand replacement.
Run/walk unsustainable, degraded to awkward hop/walk/crawl.
Very touched to see SGrunners volunteer support team handling out treats (contributed from their pockets). Number of fellow runners have noticeably thinned out. Either they're mostly way ahead or have already given up. Saw some of them hailing a cab. One crazy Adidas support staff screaming like an army instructor, and got blasted by runners.
WK still going strong, became sleepy and left us to blast off the final 12km. 老爷 bravely tried a painful slow jog, but gave up shortly since it made no difference from our walking speed. Kelvin informed us he has gave up and is on his way home.

Pasir Ris Drive 3 (White Sands)
32km - The demon within emerges
Motivated seeing WK go, abandoned 老爷 at this point to try and catch up. Somehow found frightening new strength and a strange anger at nothing in particular. As if possessed, started alternating between very fast march, and a limping sprint on my good leg. Literally 'walked' passed many who were actually jogging.

37km - Blood and thunder
The last 5km! Started to rain heavily. Wet, body numbed, immune to pain and any ability to reason now, continued to drag on , disregarding the weak cowering in bus shelters. Simply desperate to finish it once and for all.

Loyang Ave
Netheravon Road (Changi Beach Club Complex)
Last 4km - Imaginary frog warns me this road leads to heaven Never knew 4km can be this long. This stretch seemed endless. Even the support staff have become too tired to shout encouragements. Pain has returned, could barely limp, madness gave way to regret - regret of coming. Started seeing mirages of Changi Village at every next bus stop, and every bend. Tempted to just hop into a bus and go home, but the walking 2-meter ice cold jug spoke to me and encouraged me.

Changi Village
Finish Line - This is Sparta!
Sight of the finish gantry was the cue. All senses overridden by the collective excitement! Like a berserker now, total disregard for injuries, (or whether it was another hallucination) I sprinted. Runners encouraged one another. 夫人 and WK at spectator point waving. Blasted through the finish line, and no doubt seriously aggravating the injuries.

The long way of drums - Its over, like a drug, the high wears off. Very painfully hobbled along finisher's line, collected finisher Tee, and medal. Very painfully and very slowly walked over to meet them.

My personal Number Bib

Finisher Medal

84km Finisher Tee


Saturday, May 31, 2008

Adidas Sundown Marathon - Part 4 Tonight we dine in Hell!

A video clip from 300 for some motivation

“Our arrows will blot out the Sun”
“Then we shall fight in the shade”

Ironic words to apply to a Marathon conducted at night. Tonight will be the big run.
Looks like it will rain.
That would be fun.

42KM (Starts at midnight)
老爷has overcame his illness and will be coming after all.
Kelvin will be running
Jing Wei will be running
Waynee has signed up, but attendance unconfirmed

10KM Corporate relay (Starts at 8pm)
Wei Khyuan, Deguchi, 夫人, and her Uncle has formed a team

Let 'em rip boys!

Marathon Route

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Discworld - Small Gods

Taken from the earlier Discworld Novel I read, could never quite forget this story. Fans like Terry Pratchett for his odd sense of humor. Meaningless yet thought provoking, the world is portrayed in a completely different perspective through the fictional discworld.

SMALL GODS(Discworld 13)

By Terry Pratchett


The tortoise is a ground-living creature. It is impossible to live nearer the ground without being under it. Its horizons are a few inches away. It has about as good a turn of speed as you need to hunt down a lettuce. It has survived while the rest of evolution flowed past it by being, on the whole, no threat to anyone and too much trouble to eat.

And then there is the eagle. A creature of the air and high places, whose horizons go all the way to the edge of the world. Eyesight keen enough to spot the rustle of some small and squeaky creature half a mile away. All power, all control. Lightning death on wings. Talons and claws enough to make a meal of anything smaller than it is and at least take a hurried snack out of anything bigger.

And yet the eagle will sit for hours on the crag and survey the kingdoms of the world until it spots a distant movement and then it will focus, focus, focus on the small shell wobbling among the bushes down there on the desert. And it will leap . . .

And a minute later the tortoise finds the world dropping away from it. And it sees the world for the first time, no longer one inch from the ground but five hundred feet above it, and it thinks: what a great friend I have in the eagle.

And then the eagle lets go.

And almost always the tortoise plunges to its death. Everyone knows why the tortoise does this. Gravity is a habit that is hard to shake off. No one knows why the eagle does this. There's good eating on a tortoise but, considering the effort involved, there's much better eating on practically anything else. It's simply the delight of eagles to torment tortoises.

But of course, what the eagle does not realize is that it is participating in a very crude form of natural selection.

One day a tortoise will learn how to fly.
Somehow, I find myself relating to the Turtle in this story. Surviving in the politicorporate environment by being 'too much trouble to eat' Thankfully the eagles have not got me yet, and just maybe, someday I'll be able to fly too....

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Warren Buffett - How to Grow Wealth in a Responsible and Sustainable Manner

I like the following lines:

- Never trade reputation for money

- People self select themselves

- The standard of living does not equate with the cost of living. Up to a point it does, and then you leave that point. I want to be around my friends; to be able to do what I love to do. Fortunately, I’m able to

- I told my children what my dad told me. “Anything you do (as long as it’s legal), I’m behind you. I’ll back you. You don’t have to be me. You have to be you.” What they do is more important than what I do. They have to follow their own passion.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Adidas Sundown Marathon - Part 3 Five days to go

Five more days before the big event. Doubt my training was adequate, but am grateful to have recovered enough from the injured state, to be able to put in a good run.

Have been resting my body well this whole week, with minor exercises to maintain readiness, but nothing heavy at this time, in order to preserve the best possible condition in anticipation for the massive beating to bear on the marathon.

Can't wait for it to happen now, its going to be fun. And really look forward to lifting my personal alcohol ban* and gulping down that ice cold tower! Truely motivating!

*Had stopped drinking since they day I agreed to join the marathon. Not that moderate alcohol would impact performance, I did it as a personal expression of discipline and commitment.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Don't outlive your muscles How to keep muscles healthy

Extracted from Straits Times - FITNESS May 24, 2008
Don't outlive your muscles How to keep muscles healthy
How to keep muscles healthy
ARE your muscles healthy? It is not the kind of question most people ask themselves.

But muscle researchers say it is important because muscle health is emerging as an important part of overall health.

# When it comes to muscles, bulk does not matter.

# What matters for health is whether you use them.

# Healthy muscles are those that have been worked, stressed and pushed to their limit, so that they have enough power and strength to get you through life, especially as you grow older.

# Keeping muscles fit takes effort, which means regular training with weightlifting and cardiovascular exercise, even if the results are not a sculptured look.

Full Article as follows:
If you don't work, stress and push them, they will atrophy as you grow older

NEW YORK - DR PAUL D.THOMPSON, a 60-year-old marathoner and chief of cardiology at Hartford Hospital, stood before a medical audience recently and talked about himself.

'I've been lifting weights since I was 12 years old and look at me,' he said.

Dr Thompson is small and wiry with not a bulging muscle on him. He speculated that he must have a genetic inability to build muscles, no matter how hard he works at it.

But are his muscles healthy?

It is not the kind of question most people ask themselves.

But muscle researchers say it is important because muscle health is emerging as an important part of overall health.
They say, when it comes to muscles, bulk does not matter. How big they are depends on your sex as well as genetics.

What matters for health is whether, like DrThompson, you use them.

Healthy muscles, researchers say, are those that have been worked, stressed and pushed to their limit. They will then have enough power and strength to get you through life, especially as you grow older.

Keeping muscles fit takes effort, which means regular training with weightlifting and cardiovascular exercise even if the results are not a sculptured look, these experts add.

If you do not work your muscles, they will atrophy, especially as you grow older.

Older people often fall because they are too weak to brace themselves. They have trouble with steps and opening jars because their muscles have lost so much strength.

Much of that loss can be avoided, muscle researchers say.

Even elderly people can gain muscle strength if they work at it.

There are two aspects to healthy muscles: endurance and strength, said Robert H. Fitts, an exercise physiologist at Marquette University and chairman of the biology department there.

To maintain endurance, you should engage in activities that pump blood to the muscles, like walking.

For strength, you need to lift weights, concentrating on what Professor Fitts calls the anti-gravity muscles, those of the back and legs.

And you should also maintain arm strength.

While many people walk, fewer lift weights. Those who do often use incorrect techniques, said William J. Kraemer, a professor of kinesiology at the University of Connecticut.

Some try to do it on their own, but tend to buy weights that are too light and may not know the well-researched methods that get results.

Others go to gyms, where they may be intimidated when they venture into weight rooms filled with people grunting and straining and machines that can seem daunting.

Those who do try to lift at the gym can end up using weights that are not heavy enough to fully stimulate their muscles.

That is especially true of women, Dr Kraemer said, even those who work with personal trainers.

While women often say they are afraid to bulk up, this fear is unfounded. Acquiring muscle mass requires testosterone levels that women do not have.

The most effective way to stimulate muscles is progressive resistance. This approach can take about three hours a week and includes days, once a week or so, when you lift weights so heavy that you can do only three to five repetitions before your muscles are too tired to lift again.

Other days are devoted to moderate resistance, with weights you can lift eight to 10 times. You should also have some light days, with weights you can lift 12 to 15 times before your muscles tire.

Said Dr Thompson: 'Some folks outlive their muscles, meaning they are fine mentally and cardiac-wise, but have so little muscle strength that they can't catch themselves with their other leg when they start to fall. And if they fall, they cannot get up.'

He does not want to be one of those people, so he continues to lift weights.


'Some folks outlive their muscles. They are fine mentally and cardiac-wise, but have so little muscle strength that they can't catch themselves with their other leg when they start to fall. If they fall, they cannot get up.'

DR PAUL D. THOMPSON, a 60-year-old marathon runner and chief of cardiology at Hartford Hospital in the US

Friday, May 23, 2008

Completed 5th High Key ICT

Was a good ICT, with several familiar faces attending this call back, and also got to know a few other interesting people from earlier batches.
We narrowly averted a major exercise and only went through a one night + one day technical deployment. *** SENSITIVE DATA DELETED ***

After thoughts upon returning from the deployment:
This was more pleasant than what we went through last year. The worst part was dealing with biting insects. We brought along adequate safari beds this time, so at least some decent rest were possible*.

More and more I begun to appreciate how lucky we are, being allowed to stay out on all nights other than during an exercise. Must aim to finish all my ICTs before the unit gets disbanded**.

In the spirit of nostalgia, I've dug out the link to my old webpage article on Exercise Kujarra 1 refered to as K-1 the first Gun live fire conducted in Australia, in the Woomera desert. It was undoubtedly the most memorable time during our active days, and still fondly talked about among our mates today. (ed: When reading this featured link, preferably, read "Prologue" first , and then scroll straight to "Deployment", to avoid the boring segments) ,

*not that we can't deal with just one single night without sleep, however I can still remember how painful it was sleeping bare backed on the hard tarmac during the last ICT.

**This rumor had been circulating ever since the last decade, few believe it would really happen, but if it does, we might get transfered to the FDS which would be tough.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Chinese Girl's nasty remarks on Sichuan Earthquake

Saw a rather sadist video clip of a Chinese girl verbally bashing the Sichuan Earthquake.
The comments she made would have been funny if it was not actually referring to a real life disaster.
No comments on my part. See for yourself

Some of the follow up viewer's commentary was even more colorful.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Your brain has a silicon partner

Extracted from Straits Times - Digital Life May 13 2008
Your brain has a silicon partner
According to recent research, we're remembering fewer and fewer basic facts these days.

And when he asked them their own phone number, fully one-third of the youngsters drew a blank. They have to whip out their handsets to look it up.
That reflexive gesture - reaching in to your pocket for the answer - tells the story in a nutshell.

Does an over reliance on machine-memory shut down otherimportant ways of understanding the world?


Monday, May 12, 2008

Adidas Sundown Marathon - Part 2 Mechanical Man

Mechanical Man
Got better with some Glucosamine/Chondroitin combo drug from GNC. Started training again and with some gradual step up training, have managed to increase my MTBF*. For the update, my last run cleared approximately 18km before the left knee gave way.

My Take on Marathon Training:
The marathon experience is quite different from normal runs. In a normal run, timing is dependent on stamina and muscle strength. Not that stamina and strength isn't important. Strength/stamina could be stretched to amazing levels, just like fuel, they could also be replenished via pit stops and proper nutrition along the way. In runs that lasts hours, the benefits of periodic rests outweights the time difference of not stopping at all**.

Injuries however, with the possibility of permanent damage, can instantly put a runner out of the game. A long distance run therefore, requires careful management of speed and body mechanism. The aim is to minimize wear and tear. This is much harder than it sounds, the slightest improper footing, or placing more weight on either leg, eventually accumulates to incapacitating pains when amplified over a thousand steps.

Thus the MTCF description. To be ready for a marathon, it is necessary to condition one's joints to tolerate the prolonged pounding. Adopt the proper running posture to prevent premature injury failure. Proper equipment helps too.

That said, it's incredibly frustrating to have to stop a run before your stamina runs out.

*Mean time before failure
**Imortals are an exception to this fact.