For all man are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall -1Peter 1:24

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

when will we find lasting peace? -Part 1

Looks like things are pretty shaken up for our merry little gang. Or shall I say all my different merry little gangs.
In a nutshell:

1 老爷 and Momo
老爷caught up in moving to his new place, pretty much gone MIA for the pass two weeks.
Heard that 夫人 fell sick recently, not much information, as I don't have time to drop by, as a matter of fact, there's no time to catch up with any of the HODs as well.
Momo is quite badly wrecked by the extra workload after getting her new accounts, falling sick and stuff like that. Did what I could to assist, but I'm caught up with training my successor, which has greater priority in the long term. (After I leave the team, a well trained replacement can render far more value than the limited support I could offer at this point)

2 Fags
With the exception of the 做Boh civil servants (as usual), everyone's too busy with their respective careers and family planning to meet up.
Had a couple of drinks with Chunz, and Wei Pin joins us once in a while too. Also managed to catch William once. We will have no Christmas party time year.

3 Church mates
No updates as we don't really have time for sharing anymore.

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