For all man are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall -1Peter 1:24

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Perfect Relationship

A man was looking for the perfect woman.
He kept searching.
Finally he found her,
but there was one problem.
She was looking for the perfect man...

When relationships fall out, stung individuals often feel their partner had changed, had lost the qualities which first attracted them; When employees leave the company, they tend to say things weren’t the same as before, it’s no longer the company they used to enjoy working in.

I had a revelation: Our other half did not change/The Company had always been the same. The person we first fell in love with; the wonderful company we thought we joined; they didn’t exist in the first place. It was a figment of our own self delusion.

We all want the partner of our dreams, or to join the perfect company. We want it so badly that our subconscious paints a rosy picture. Being optimistic creatures, when uncertain, we see the best aspects of a new situation. We over-exaggerate them in our heads, and then end up disappointed when reality sinks in.
Which is why many relationships fail beyond the honeymoon phase*

Being aware prepares us for the awakening. It sets realistic expectations, takes us down to earth. We learn to accept one another’s imperfections. When we commit to a relationship, we accept our partner in total, both the strengths, and the shortcomings.

*Similarly defined as the honeymoon in Culture Shock

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