For all man are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall -1Peter 1:24

Monday, April 14, 2008

Boogie Woogie Fengshui

The 1st floor office layout had been completely rearranged. Rumors has it that this was done under the consultation of a Feng Shui master. Naturally, this was a strategic decision.

If the rumor was true:
It's said that a particular department was literally sitting too near the exit, which explains the high turnover. Moving them further from the door them will surely pretend more staff from "walking out".

I'm sure there's great wisdom in that. In fact, it might work better if you seal off the door completely. Visiting the washroom would be a problem tho.

that would be the present's legacy to future generations, for now the inhibitants of Acheron ran the processors and struggled to make a dream come true, surviving on a ration of determination, humor, and oversized paycheques. They would not live long enough to see Archeon become a land of milk and honey. Only the company could do that. The Company was immortal as none of them would ever be.

*Taken from the science fiction novel "Aliens" - Alan Grant Foster

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