For all man are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall -1Peter 1:24

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

原者上钩 2007 December

Finally broke my jinx* and caught 5 fishes in a row. Never mind that 3 were inedible and the remainder were hardly large enough for the dinner table. A catch was a catch. I will no longer be mocked by the "No Pressure" catch phase.

See the photos here 2007 Dec Boat Fishing

The Storm
Half the time it was raining, varying from moderate showers to heavy storms. Once again we made fun of Mike**.

The Boatman's Tale
Our boatman Ah Loong, spoke of the worst customers he encountered. A group which demanded to ONLY catch specific species and above the 3kg mark. An unrealistic feat that rarely happens in Singapore waters, not to mention uncontrollable by the boatman.
Although they landed several 1kg fishes, which was excellent by today's standard, the ametuers continued to throw tantrums.
Eventually, Loong decided enough was enough. He returned to shore and sent them off. To hear Loong put it “你们去NTUC,一定有五公金的!”taking in stride them making good the threats not to pay up. “不要紧,不用还我钱,你们就去NTUC买吧”

In mockery of those losers, we spend the rest of the trip demanding 5kg fishes...

*By chance, or some unknown reason, I was not able to catch anything for the last three trips. Not even a nibble, while the others were doing reasonably fine.

**It always seems to rain whenever Mike is around. On a few occasions, the rain literally arrives (and leaves) with the man. We nicknamed him 'Rain Man' and even tho I do not believe in superstitions, it was still fun to have someone to 'blame ' for the rain. Especially when there was little else to do while waiting for the storm to cease.

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